NACCC San Diego 2024
Sept 17th-22nd

San Diego Welcomes NACCC 2024!
Get ready to feel the breeze and the buzz because San Diego is thrilled to play host to the 2024 North American Cycle Courier Championship this September!
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make sure we have a spectacular week. From alleycats to the laid-back party rides, and, of course, the main event on Sunday, we’ve got a lineup that’s sure to get you to remember San Diego.
Make sure to save your spot and register early! With competitors from all corners of the continent converging on our city, the streets of San Diego are set to come alive with the hum of wheels and the cheers of spectators. SEE YOU SOON!
– Planning Committee
We highly recommend getting a group and renting an Airbnb. There are also plenty of hotels and hostels in the area. If you need help looking for housing or if you wish to host someone/group, please fill out the HOUSING FORM.
We believe many folks will be flying into San Diego. For some, flying into Los Angeles (LAX) may be cheaper! Make sure to check airlines for options. You can always take the train from LA to SD. If you wish to race the Alleycat in Tijuana, bring your PASSPORT.
For our over-the-border friends, it may be best to fly into Tijuana and cross over via the pedestrian bridge from the airport.
If you wish to race, make sure to register and pay the fee! This year we plan on giving racers dog tags to enter each event and access food and drinks! You will also receive a musset bag with your race number, NACCC T-shirt, Patch, Stickers, and maybe more!
Make sure to have your bikes in working order! The main event takes place September 21st and 22nd
Spectators can still participate! If you wish to volunteer some time, we would greatly appreciate it! Make sure to sign up to volunteer above.
We will also have games, rides, and races for those not participating in the main event. You will also be able to access events but may need to pay for the food & drinks.
Sponsors 2024

Event Organizers

2024 NACCC Schedule
Have Questions?
Email: naccc2024@gmail.com
Brought to you by RUBTHYNIP & FIX1NINE